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CR/NC Grading, Non-Classroom

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The Hastings Client Counseling Team (HCCT) is an organization designed to focus on skills development, integrating "real world" experience with theories and principles of client interviewing and counseling. The HCCT offers two levels of participation: (1) Competing members, and (2) Non-Competing members.

All students are invited to attend a 2-hour introductory session in September. After that, students participate in two mandatory 2-1/2 hour classes in the Fall, learning and practicing basic interviewing and counseling skills. Students may then choose to tryout to become a Competing Member by participating in an in-school competition held in mid-November. Students selected to be Competing Members will represent Hastings in the ABA Regional Client Counseling Competition. (Hastings pays for the travel costs, including meals and lodging, for the ABA competition). Over the winter break, all team members are required to study further materials on counseling, as well as the substantive law chosen for the ABA competition. In the spring semester, all team members engage in mandatory 2-1/2 hour practices twice a week through mid-February. Competing members are expected to work with the team coach outside of regular practices in order to prepare further for the ABA competition. All team members, whether Competing or Non-Competing Members, receive individual experience, support, coaching and mentoring designed to increase their interviewing and counseling skills.

Enrollment takes place in the Spring, by permission of the faculty advisor. Students who meet all participation requirements but who either choose not to compete or are not selected to compete are eligible to receive 1 unit per year, to be awarded in the spring semester. Students who meet all participation requirements and who also compete as a Competing Member are eligible to receive 2 units per year, to be awarded in the spring semester. Students who meet all participation requirements and who also serve as President and/or Team Coach are eligible to receive 2 units per year, to be awarded in the spring semester.

The HCCT is open to first-year students but they cannot receive credit for participation. In the past, first-year students have represented Hastings in the ABA competition.

Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 required for enrollment.